
Brandi is a proud co-author of the collaboration book The Seeds of Hope, which is a national best seller.. She is also the author of Journey to Self, which documents her lifelong journey of how she’s overcoming the obstacles of rejection, learning to continue to increase her faith and how she has unequivocally, unreservedly and unashamedly said “YES” to God.
She holds three academic degrees, but she counts it as nothing to being a bond servant for the Most High God and immersing herself in his Word through her studies at Carver and Faith Bible College. She has a heart of service and has held many positions in numerous nonprofit agencies, served four years as the director to her church singles ministry and is a servant at her church home in whatever capacity God calls her to. She currently serves as a Sunday school teacher after her encounter with the Holy Spirit in September 2019 where God gave her the calling of Nehemiah 8:8 and Ezra 7:10 to teach the gospel. She is a mother of three and grandmother of one; she is an AmeriCorps VISTA, and she continues to motivate men, women and children through her gifts of helps, service, exhortation and teaching.