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Woman Love Yourself!

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

In 2012, my hair was falling out and my body was riddled with various illnesses! The journey to natural healthy hair came at a high price, but a wonderful stylist named Tabitha Atwood accepted the challenge. She knows the stress areas in my hair and her magical hands has kept my hair healthy for more than seven years.

My hair journey has reminded me of much of my life. When I wasn't taking care of my hair it was brittle, thin and broken in various places. When I was not nourishing myself in God's Word, my strength was weak, my energy sapped and I crumbled under the pressure, wavering back and forth, running from my problems, not sure of who I was and people pleasing; a faulty foundation. I was the poster child for Proverbs 24:10, if you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength (NIV).

The woman I am becoming, despite what my hair looks like, is an Overcomer. One who knows her worth and she's too determined to not go back to the way she was. That wonderful potter, Jesus, loves me so much, He's reshaping me, reforming me, molding me into His masterpiece. It's taken more than seven years, but I've found my identity and strength in God alone and He's lovingly stripping my faulty foundation down to the studs and repaving the structure of my life with the concrete strength of His Word! I'm finally building on a solid foundation! (Mt 7:24-27)

What about you my friend? Is your spiritual life like my hair, brittle, thin and broken? What will it take to get back to Christ as your first love? To develop the healthy spiritual life you crave? Will you turn off the television to read His Word? Will you watch a back to the basics bible study on YouTube, Tik Tok or listen to it on a Podcast?

What will it take to build your life on the solid foundation your heart so desires. Make this journey your own my friend, it's between you and God! No one has to know the subtle changes you are making, but you will know and God will know and that's all that matters; just start somewhere! It's too important not to.



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